Our Distributors
Our products may be purchased factory direct by the container loads, by pallets shipped frozen from our cold storage facility, by cases from our online store, via food brokers and through distributors.
Food Brokers
Mid Atlantic
Doug O’Neill at National Food Sales at dougo@nationalfoodsales.net
Phone - 610-324-2330 or 610-869-4650
Pittsburgh: Jim Leeper at jleeper@lfleeper.com
Phone - 412-821-0502
Central/Northern Midwest
Jake Durand at Timmons Sheehan at jdurand@timmonssheehan.com
Phone 651-558-1443
Canada: Jay Jackson at Westrow at jayjackson@westrow.com
Phone - 647-458-7787
Distribution And Brokerage
NOTE: We are constantly adding -and open to working with- new distributors. We also ship direct. So please just let us (and your preferred sales rep, if applicable) know how you'd best like to get our products delivered to you, and we'll help make it happen. To inquire or strategize with us about menu ideas, the best waffles for your needs, and the best ways to order and deliver any of our amazing Liege Belgian Waffles, please call David Solomon at 610-660-0610